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Blackburn and Liverpool

Chair Howard Mitchell
Secretary Vacant
Treasurer Barbara Baldwin
Chaplain Vacant
Committee members Jason Burrows, Mike Seymour, Matthew Rides and Belinda Hornby
Contact: Howard Mitchell


For details of future events, please contact Howard Mitchell .


Chair Mike Robinson
Secretary Aleksander Mazalon
Treasurer Alan Alexander
Chaplain Fr Peter Clark SCP
Assistant Chaplain Fr John Dickens SCP
Committee members Larry Relfe
Contact: Aleksander Mazalon


For details of future events, please contact Aleksander Mazalon.


Chair Vacant
Secretary Emma White
Treasurer Chryssa Turner
Chaplain The Ven David Gunn-Johnson SCP
Committee members Sam Snelling and Mary Tuckett
Contact: Emma White


For details of future events, please contact Emma White.


Chair Emmerson Walgrove
Secretary Sue Middledith
Treasurer Glen Middleditch
Safeguarding Officer Emmerson Walgrove
Chaplain Fr Keith Freeman SCP
Committee members Jean Radley, Gordon Radley, Stacey Ayre, Gordon Berry, David Knox, Melvin Herring and Pam Matthews
Contact: Sue Middleditch


Saturday 22nd February 2025 - 11am - Spring Eucharist

St Chad's, Toller Lane, Bradford

Followed by lunch (please bring your own). All welcome.

Further details are available from Sue Middleditch.


Chair Barry Moore
Events Secretary Angela Lane
Membership Secretary Michael Watson
Treasurer Michael Atkinson
Chaplain Revd Elsie Hutcheon SCP
Deputy Chaplain Fr Alan Warner SCP
Committee members Hilary Shuter and Michael Watson
Contact: Michael Watson


Further details are available from Michael Watson.

Southwark & London

Chair Michael Lewis
Acting Secretary Michael Lewis
Treasurer Hazel Pudney
Chaplains Fr Matthew Catterick (London) & Fr Joe Moore (Southwark)
Committee members Helen Goepal and Fiona Andrews
Contact: Michael Lewis


Further details are available from Michael Lewis.

St Albans

Chair Mary Butcher
Secretary Diane Nicholas
Treasurer Peter Court
Membership Secretary Peter Court
Chaplain Fr Richard Watson SCP
Committee members Susan Jakeman and Dee Court
Contact: Diane Nicholas


For details of future events, please contact Diane Nicholas.


Chair Vacant
Secretary Graham Scott
Treasurer V Grainger
Safeguarding Officer Vacant
Chaplain Fr James Little
Committee members Y Bowling, A Hardy and J McNichol
Contact: Via Mtr Gemma Turner


For details of future events, please contact Via Mtr Gemma Turner.