Festival and AGM 2025 - Blackburn Cathedral, Cathedral Close, Blackburn BB1 5AA
The Company of Servers will hold the Annual
Festival and AGM at Blackburn Cathedral by kind permission of the Dean and Chapter on Saturday 7th June 2025, hosted by the Blackburn & Liverpool Chapter. The president at the Mass will be The Revd Canon Dr Jenny Gaffin, Canon Precentor at Blackburn Cathedral and the the preacher will be The Very Revd Andrew Nunn SCP, Chaplain General and Dean Emeritus of Southwark. Please bring a packed lunch (drinks provided) which will be followed by the AGM. The day will conclude with Solemn Evensong
& Benediction. For those staying the night before, there is an invitation to have dinner together on the Friday evening at Thyme Bar & Grill in the Premier Inn next to the Cathedral at 7:30pm.The programme will be:
10:30 Welcome and
12:00 Festival
13:30 Lunch
(please bring your own)
14:30 AGM
16:00 Solemn Evensong
& Benediction
All servers, clergy and supporters are welcome.
Please bring your robes and banners.
More details can be found on the Festival
Poster can be viewed and download here.
Please pre-register through the following link for
free now so that we can get an indication of numbers.
Festival 2025 Booking Form
For further information, please contact the
Festival Co-ordinator