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Annual Festival and AGM 2024 - St Mary's Church, Whitkirk, Leeds LS15 0AA

The Company of Servers will hold the Annual Festival and AGM at St Mary's Church, 386 Selby Road, Whitkirk, Leeds LS15 0AA on Saturday 27th April 2024, hosted by the Leeds Chapter. The president at the Mass with be The Rt Revd Smitha Prasadam, Bishop of Huddersfield and the the preacher will be The Very Revd Andrew Nunn SCP, Dean Emeritus of Southwark and Chaplain General. The Leeds Chapter have kindly offered to provide lunch which will be followed by the AGM. The day will conclude with Solemn Evensong & Benediction. For those staying the night before, there is an invitation to have dinner together on the Friday evening at The Brown Cow, Whitkirk (opposite the Church) at 7:30pm.The programme will be:

10:30    Welcome and Coffee
12:00     Festival Eucharist
13:30     Lunch (provided)
14:30     AGM 
16:00     Solemn Evensong & Benediction

All servers, clergy and supporters are welcome. Please bring your robes and banners.

More details can be found on the Festival Poster can be viewed and download here.

For further information, please contact the Festival Co-ordinator