Reports from within the Company of Servers
Leeds Chapter Festival
Eucharist - Saturday 5th November 2022
On Saturday 5th November at St Andrew's,
Ferrybridge. 4 new members were admitted, Ted, Marcus, Lindsey and
Ashley. This takes our Chapter total to 41.
Festival 2022 - Exeter - by William Mirza
On Saturday 7th May, the Company of Servers Annual
Festival 2022 took place. There were two parts to the day: the Festival
Eucharist at 12pm in the Cathedral, and the Solemn Evensong and
Benediction at 3:15pm at St Michael and All Angels, Mount Dinham. It
was a truly wonderful event all round, and an enjoyable time was had by
For the Eucharist, the Ministers were: The Rt
Revd Martin Shaw, Chaplain at Exeter Cathedral School and Assistant
Bishop, as President; The Ven David Gunn-Johnson, Priest Vicar and
Chaplain of Exeter Company of Servers, as Deacon; The Revd Preb John
Good, Rector of Exeter Society of Catholic Priests, as Subdeacon; and
The Very Revd Johnathan Greener, Dean of Exeter, as Preacher. The new
members of the Serving Company were admitted by The Very Revd Andrew
Nunn, Dean of Southwark and former Chaplain General to the Company. It
was a real delight and privilege to see so many new Servers welcomed
into the Company, and very moving to see the candidates take the oath.
The oath was followed by the solemn and beautiful Company Prayer, which
asked for God’s help in enabling those admitted to serve ‘reverently,
attentively and devoutly, in body, mind and heart’. The singing,
reading, liturgy and other prayers were similarly all beautiful. Many
members of the congregation also mentioned afterwards what a fine
sermon the Dean gave, in which he commented on how the theatre of
servers’ work is the ‘lifeblood of our faith’. Many said too how lovely
it was that his points about the importance of music in worship
included a reference to ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’.
Those admitted were, in surname alphabetical
order: for Exeter, Mariam Badavi, Anne Eyre, William Mirza, Elizabeth
Noon, Barney Puleston, Carys Puleston, and Lucas Taylor; and for St
Mary Churston Ferrers, Henry Bowles. Thanks to also to Deputy Lay Vicar
Rachel Bennett, who was Cantor; Director of Music Timothy Noon, who was
Organist; Malcolm Pomeroy, who read the lesson; and Chryssa Turner, who
read the Intercessions.
The Evensong was equally exquisite, with The Ven
David Gunn-Johnson, as Officiant, presiding masterfully. The music was
also magnificent, and a tribute to the virtuosity of St Michael’s
choir, Organist Matthew Clark, and Director of Music Natasha
Goldsworth. Thanks also to Wilfred Reynolds and William Mirza for
No fewer than five chapters were in attendance on
the day. These were, in alphabetical order: Blackburn and Liverpool;
Exeter; Norwich; Southwark and London; and York. It was such a joy to
welcome all those who had come from other parts of the country, and
their support and kind comments about the services and community are
much appreciated. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who took part and made
the event such a success.
A Tribute to
John Kitchener - Founder Treasurer General
It is with
great sadness that we announce the
death of our dearly loved and respected Treasurer General, John
Kitchener. John was instrumental in the founding of the company and has
worked tirelessly throughout his time in office - from the very outset
until now. He is going to be missed enormously, and we hold him, his
family and friends in our prayers at this sad time. Jesu mercy, Mary
The following
is the homily preached at his
funeral by Mother Helen:
the Requiem Mass of John Kitchener St Thomas à Becket, Pagham, Thursday
2 September 2021.
Matthew 7:
24-27 “The wise man built his house
upon a rock”
I rather
doubt that John would have considered
himself a ‘wise man’,
but I beg to differ, and his life certainly bears witness to this. We
see, in John, a man who most certainly built his house upon a rock,
indeed the rock, and it is because of this that he will be missed
profoundly by those who knew him. In reflecting on John’s life I am
thankful to Michael, his brother, for providing details of John’s
activities before I met him in 2011, when I arrived at St Matthew’s,
John was born
in February 1948, and spent the
greater part of his life
in the Raynes Park and West Wimbledon area, being schooled at Cottenham
Park Infant School, Wimbledon Parish School and Rutlish School. Aside
from his family, the greatest influences on John’s life were, as we
know, Christianity and scouting…not necessarily in that order! It was
not, of course, any old Christianity, but the Anglo-Catholic variety.
John learned to be an altar server when he was very young, and would
serve at the weekly mass at the Infants’ school, and in what was known
at the time ‘little St Matthew’s’: a converted church hall next to the
ruins of the original St Matthew’s church, which had been hit by a
flying bomb during the war.
Although the
full Anglo Catholic liturgy was
strictly adhered to, this
temporary sanctuary was insufficiently big to withstand the use
incense. Consequently, as Michael reflects, the boys grew up longing
for the rebuilding of a ‘proper church’ so they could have incense, no
doubt fueling John’s great love of its use in worship, and his expert
skills as a thurifer.
In addition
to church, John’s early life was
shaped by scouting, and he
attended his first cub camp at Hawarton Farm in Kent when only four
years old. As it happens, he would have gone a year earlier but was
prevented by chicken pox (and was no doubt extremely vexed that
something as minor as a childhood illness stopped him from attending
camp). Scouting was in the family blood, and John maintained a
life-long association with it, as anyone involved in the 19th Wimbledon
Scout Group will be able to testify. He served the group in very many
different ways over seven decades of involvement as a key member,
making a great contribution to all things practical, and having a great
and positive influence on the boys.
attending the University of Kent at
Canterbury, and teacher
training at the College of St Mark and St John in Chelsea, John got a
job teaching maths at Beverley school (now Coombe Boys). He spent all
of his teaching career at Coombe, working his way steadily up to become
Head of Maths, and then Assistant Head of the school. It was there that
John met Jackie, who had later arrived, also to teach maths, and they
eventually married in 2009 in Yorkshire, where Jackie had grown up. On
retirement John and Jackie moved down to Pagham in 2013, seeking a
leisurely and civilized life on the coast, though I suspect that John
was soon put to use in the sanctuary here at Pagham. Their
departure was a source of great dismay to me (and I suspect also the
dismay of the 19th Wimbledon), though John did maintain links with us
both. I recall that I had to recruit no less than four people to cover
all the jobs that John used to do at St Matthew’s, and for the first
few years after he’d moved we referred to the subsequent years as 1AK,
2AK ( ie 1 After Kitchener, 2 After Kitchener etc)
“The wise man
built his house upon a rock”
It is difficult in such a short period of time - and I have strict
instructions that my sermon should be short! - to do any kind of
justice to all that John built during his life. We know what some of
the major bricks were:
- his vocation to teaching, in all its forms
- his commitment to church, especially St Matthew’s
- his love of scouting and devotion to the 19th Wimbledon
- his involvement in local and national interests - the Company of
Servers, Richmond Park volunteers (and I am sure many others of which I
am not aware).
And, of
course, time spent with family and
friends: his
parents, Grandmother and Aunt Helen; his brother Michael, and
his family; his wife Jackie; and then the next generation of niece
Clare and grand-niece, Sorcha, for whom he loved to buy weird
and wonderful gifts.
What a great
structure he built on that firm
foundation. Think of all
the lives he touched through teaching, scouting and serving at the
altar: hundreds of children… and adults too. I see his legacy every
Sunday in the sanctuary in the worship that we offer at St Matthew’s
which is shaped
by those whom he taught: our Head Server William, and all those who
serve at the altar. And you will have your own stories of the way in
which he touched your life.
I knew John
as a calm, kind, generous, and solid
presence at St
Matthew’s: someone on whom you could rely to do whatever
needed doing, quietly, efficiently and extremely capably… though I
still have my doubts about the rather dodgy Heath Robinson set-up for
dangling an electric cable out of the Lady Chapel window as far as the
great conifer in the churchyard to light the outside crib during
Christmastide. How we avoided burning the church down, I’m not quite
John was
un-fussy about his faith but it was,
quintessentially, the
faith of a wise man who just on with the business of building a good
and solid house upon a rock. Not just any old rock, but the rock: the
rock that is Jesus Christ. Christ, whom he served at the altar and in
the community throughout his life, and who now welcomes him to
his eternal home where, I suspect, he will shortly be handed a thurible
charged with the sweetest smelling incense to swing before the throne
at the heavenly worship.
I know that
we will all miss John enormously, but
we give thanks for
all he gave to each and every one of us, and pray that he may rest in
peace and rise in glory. Amen.
Mthr Helen
Vicar, St Matthew’s Wimbledon
26 June 2019 -
and London Chapters Summer Festival
The Chapter’s annual Summer Festival of Evensong
& Benediction
was held at St Saviour’s Church, Pimlico on a balmy June evening and
our worship was enhanced by a small choir whose members work for
various central Church bodies; ably directed by Fr Peter McGeary.
guest preacher was +Jonathan Clark, Bishop of Croydon, who recalled his
experiences of many Church vestries – ranging from the highly
regimented to the absolutely chaotic but always full of anxiety before
the impending service (whether or not that was due to his being
present). Bishop Jonathan urged all of us who serve to find that inner
calm as we perform our duties before the altar of God.
It was also a great joy, as part of Evensong, to admit a new Companion
from the serving team at Southwark Cathedral.
The service was followed by cheese & wine where we were able to
socialise & catch up on news from each other’s parishes.
active servers in the Dioceses of London and Southwark are welcome to
join the Company and the Chapter’s next event is on Saturday 16
November 2019 at Southwark Cathedral:
1000: Welcome followed by talk on “A day in the life of a Verger” by
the Dean’s Verger, Paul Timms
1200: Mass in the Harvard Chapel
12 January 2019
- Southwark
and London Chapters combine
This was a
landmark meeting in the history of both the London and
Southwark Chapters and was very well attended. It commenced with the
London Chapter’s Annual General Meeting. Reports were given by the
Chairman on the Chapter’s activity during the past 12 months, together
with the Treasurer’s summary of the accounts. However, the main
business of the meeting was to discuss a proposal jointly put forward
by the Committee of the London Chapter and senior representatives of
the Southwark Chapter (who, in the absence of a Chairman, have had no
Committee or AGM for the past 2 years) to create a more formal
arrangement between our two Chapters, which have been meeting together
informally since 2016. The views of members of both Chapters had been
canvassed in advance and further discussion took place at the meeting,
following which the proposal was universally agreed. Essentially, while
retaining the ability to identify members of each Chapter and their
financial contributions separately, we will function as one Chapter,
named the Southwark and London Chapter, with one bank account, one
annual programme, a joint committee and with St Saviour’s Church
Pimlico and Southwark Cathedral as our main venues. It was extremely
gratifying to see how enthusiastically this plan for a joint liaison
was received.
Once our new way forward had been agreed we went
on to discuss the
formation of a joint Committee and to elect its members. During the
course of 2018 the London Chapter’s Secretary, Fiona Andrews , had
handed over her responsibilities to another Committee member, Alastair
Knott. This AGM marked the end of the terms of office of both the
Chairman, Cathie James, and the Treasurer, Sion Hughes Carew (who is
now training for ordained ministry at Westcott House). The following
were elected nem con to form the new Committee :Chairman – Michael
Lewis, an existing London Chapter Committee member and a Companion of
both the London and Southwark Chapters; Secretary – Alastair Knott (see
above); temporary Treasurer to oversee the amalgamation of the bank
accounts, the Treasurer General, John Kitchener, who is a member of
Southwark Chapter; Cathie James and Fiona Andrews (London Chapter) (see
above) and Hazel Pudney (Southwark Chapter) completed the additional
Committee members.
Fr Matthew Catterick (London) and Fr
Geoffrey Thompson
(Southwark) agreed to continue as Chaplains with the proviso
that either could admit Companions from both sides of the river in
which ever Diocese they presented.
Following the AGM, Sion Hughes Carew (see above)
who, inter alia, had
been a former Secretary General of the CoS and in whose clerical
footsteps he was following, gave an very informative illustrated talk
on his pathway to ordination. He covered all the steps from the first
inklings of vocation, ‘the itch you cannot scratch’, up to his
acceptance for and commencement of training at Westcott. Many questions
followed and some surprise was expressed at how rigorous and demanding
the selection process was.
The meeting ended with a celebration of the
Eucharist led by Fr Matthew
The newly constituted Southwark and London
Chapter’s next meeting will
be a visit to the Royal Hospital Chelsea, kindly hosted by its
Chaplain, Fr Stephen Brookes on Saturday March 9th.
All who serve at the altar are welcome and for
further details see
‘Local Chapters’ on the CoS website or contact the Chapter Secretary,
Alastair Knott, at southwarkandlondon@companyofservers.org
Cathie James
4 October 2014 – Blackburn
Liverpool Annual Outing
On 4th October - what seemed like the first day of
autumn 2014 (it rained and the temperature was definitely more autumnal
than Indian summer), - the Blackburn and Liverpool Chapter had
their second annual outing. This year we visited Lancaster Priory (http://lancasterpriory.org).
We were given a very warm welcome and guided tour by the vicar, Revd
Chris Newlands and the priory staff (including the cafe staff and the
verger) and provided with some very nice refreshments in the priory
cafe. The priory, steeped in history may be the site of very early
Christian worship dating back to the second century AD and certainly
has a very rich history is well worth a visit. We also had a guided
tour of Lancaster Castle, prison and courts and some of us were
temporarily incarcerated (only for a few minutes and voluntarily!). It
was wonderful to meet as a chapter with other servers, part of the
family of God, there was very definitely a sense of belonging and a
family atmosphere as old and young alike enjoyed a special day together
along with our family members. If any other servers would like to join
us please get in touch. Future events are our annual service in March
this year at St Peter's in Darwen Lancashire and our annual BBQ in the
summer (please contact the chair-person, Belinda, for details blackburnandliverpool@companyofservers.org).
Belinda Hornby, Chairman
5 July 2014 – Norwich Chapter
Members of the Norwich Chapter of the Company of
Servers met at St
Peter & St John’s, Kirkley, Lowestoft on July 5th 2014. Fr Alan
Warner celebrated Mass in the absence (due to illness) of Fr Andrew
Our next meeting is at St Barnabas, Heigham, Norwich, on
September 6th. All are welcome for Mass at 11am.
Alison Harding, Chairman
20 July 2013 – First Social for
& Liverpool
On Saturday, 20th July 2013, a barbeque was held
at the home of the
We had wonderful weather for our event, which was
attended by most of
our members, and it was a great opportunity to get to know each other
in a social environment. There were games for the younger members,
although some adults did take over on the ping pong ball game!
Photos are available of the Company of Servers'
Facebook group page.
Malcolm Gee, Chairman
13 April 2013 - CoS Handbook
The Central Committee were delighted to launch (at
last!) the Company
Handbook at our AGM last weekend in Leicester Cathedral. Bishop
Stephen, our Bishop Visitor, sent his greetings for our Festival and
meeting and commended the Handbook to all members: "I am delighted with
the content of the handbook. It is enormously informative, supportive
and sensible and I do recommend that it becomes your regular guide and
For those who were unable to attend the Festival,
copies of the
Handbook will shortly be sent to Chapter coordinators for distribution.
David Stephenson - Chairman General
23 March 2013 – Blackburn
& Liverpool Inaugural Eucharist
On Saturday 23 March 2013, servers and clergy from
the recently
launched Blackburn and Liverpool Diocese CoS Chapter held a formal
service of welcome at St Leonard’s Church in Walton le Dale.
The day began with a very uplifting Eucharist
celebrated by the
Associate Priest of St Leonard’s, Mother Enid Briggs at which the Revd
Dr Carol Wilkinson preached.
All Companions were formally welcomed to the
Chapter by David
Stephenson and were sworn in by our Chaplain, Mother Pat Belshaw. David
is the Chairman General of the CoS and so we feel very privileged to
have him on board as one of our Chapter Companions.
Afterwards a buffet lunch was enjoyed by all,
where members could get
to know each other better and CoS medals were presented.
On the day we gained an additional six Companions
and one Associate
Companion, bringing our current membership to 19.
For details of future events, please contact
Malcolm Gee.
9 February 2013 - Leicester 1st AGM
Chapter celebrated their
first birthday on Saturday 9th February with their fourth event so far,
Celebratory Eucharist in the historic church of St Nicholas
in the heart
of the city center. Twenty-two Companions and Associates attended,
nine different parishes from all over the diocese, and we were thrilled
admit three new companions during the service. The AGM followed, during
Fr Johannes Arens stood down as Chaplain, and Mthr Lisa
Temperley-Barnes took
up this role, Marion Porter also joined the Leicester Chapter
committee, and
both were warmly welcomed to these new roles.
the AGM and refreshments
we were treated to an excellent guided tour of St Nicholas’ Church, led
by Paul
Griffiths, Leicester Chapter, treasurer. St Nicholas’ is the oldest
church in
the city (if not county), parts of which are roman, of particular
amusement was
the dog paw print in the plaster high up on a medieval wall (How did
the dog
get up there).
Chapter are looking
forward to an exciting schedule of events being planned for 2013 –
watch this
space for more details. Leicester are particularly excited to have been
to host the National Company of Servers Festival on 13th April, and
forward to welcoming servers from all over the UK to this wonderful
26 January 2013 - Bangor
It was an historic event in several different ways
at St. David's
Church, Glanadda, Bangor, on Saturday 26th January.
A group of lay people and clergy came together
from across the Diocese
- from Llanbrynmair to Holyhead - to inaugurate the Bangor Diocese
chapter of the Company of Servers.
This is the first such group in the Church in
Wales, and one of the
first outside England. The Company of Servers has recently had to amend
its constitution to enable the setting up of groups in Wales and
Also present at the meeting was David Stephenson (from St Matthew's
Church, Burnley, Lancashire), who is the Chairman General of the
Company of Servers.
He explained to the meeting that the Company of Servers is a
laypeople's organisation, whose purpose is to support those who are
Servers in churches, and to offer them the chance to come together to
worship, reflect on their role and learn more about it together, as
well as to socialise.
He explained that the Company of Servers is a sister organisation of
the Society of Catholic Priests, and as such is an inclusive
organisation, fully supportive of the ordination of women. Indeed, the
Company sent a letter in support of women's ordination to the
episcopate following Church of England Synod's decision in December
last year.
The meeting then agreed to set up the group with
Glenys Sansom
(Holyhead) as its Chair, Phillip Bee (Bangor) as Secretary, Elizabeth
Roberts (Bangor) as Treasurer, and Martin Pritchard and Andy Hughes as
the other committee members.
The Rev'd Janet Fletcher (Bangor) was appointed as the Chaplain to the
group, and she was thanked by all present, as she has been doing much
of the preparatory work and encouraging the setting up of the group.
There was a Eucharist service after the meeting, at which the following
people were admitted as Companions (members) of the Company of Servers:
Glenys Samson (Holyhead)
Lorna Owen (Holyhead)
Andy Hughes (Bangor Cathedral)
Robert Jones (Bangor Cathedral)
Martin pritchard (St Mary's, Bangor)
Isabel Johnson (Amlwch)
Jen Evans (Bro Ddyfi Uchaf)
Sheila Owen (St David's, Bangor)
Elizabeth Roberts (St David's, Bangor)
Clergy are allowed to Associate-Companions of the
Company of Servers,
and there was another ’first’, as Bishop Andy became the first ever
Bishop to be admitted as an Associate-Companion of the Company.
As well as Bishop Andy, the following clergy were
admitted as
The Revd Janet Fletcher
The Revd Elizabeth Pearce
The Revd Hugh Vaughan Jones
The Venerable Paul Davies
Canon Robert Townsend
If you would like any more information about the
Bangor Diocese Company
of Servers, please do contact the Rev'd Janet Fletcher.
13 October 2012 - Blackburn
& Liverpool Launch
On Saturday 13 October, Feast day of St Edward the
Confessor, servers
and clergy from the two diocese of Blackburn and Liverpool met at St
Leonard’s church in Walton le Dale and founded the newest CoS Chapter.
The day began with an Eucharist celebrated by the
Associate Priest of
St Leonard’s, Mother Enid Briggs at which St Edward was remembered.
Following there was a buffet lunch during at which David Stephenson,
Chairman General, gave an introduction to the Company and what it means
to be a part of it. He talked about the spread of Chapters not only
across the UK but also now in Australia and the challenges this
presented to the Central Committee and relating this to allowing
Chapters, because of the diversity members represent, to work in a way
which suits local needs and resources. All present were enthusiastic
about the prospect of being of the Company in their dioceses and had
ideas about evangelism and teaching opportunities which might work for
them. A committee of volunteers was voted in and David issued everyone
with a lapel badge and welcomed them as new companions. The new chapter
committee plan to hold a formal service of welcome and open event for
more servers from the dioceses in the near future.
22 September 2012 - London
Chapter Relaunch
A bright September day
saw altar servers from across the
diocese come together at St Saviour’s Church, Pimlico, at a meeting
hosted by
its Chaplain, Father Matthew Catterick SCP, to relaunch the Chapter.
London diocese with its five
areas and wide
geographical spread from west to east across the capital presents an
challenge, not least of which is communication. It was therefore with
eager, if
somewhat nervous, anticipation that we welcomed our first participants
and we
were delighted with the very positive response the Company received.
there was a great deal of enthusiasm to get together with others in a
where ideas and information could be shared and new skills learned. All
in all
we welcomed over 30 servers, clergy, and associates, together with Mark
Charlton, the CoS Communications Officer, who joined us for the first
part of
the session.
The meeting began with
three established altar servers
sharing their experiences and what had inspired them to take up this
Graham Way from St Paul’s Cathedral had taken part in the Queen’s
Jubilee Service (and has a ‘You Tube’ clip as a result!), Cathie James,
of Ceremonies at St Michael and All Angels, Bedford Park, a busy parish
in West London, spoke of the importance of excellent team work in the
of inspirational liturgy, and David Richards, Head Server at St Mary’s
Street, one of London’s flagship Anglo Catholic churches, described how
alertness and anticipation lay at the heart of successful serving.
Lively small group
discussion led on to an exchange of ideas
for future sessions, a curiosity to visit other‘s churches to see ‘how
they do
it’ and the younger participants enthusiastically recommending the use
Facebook and Twitter to get the message out.
There was a keen interest
from newcomers to ‘join up’ with
the result that at the Sung Mass, which concluded the formal programme,
eighteen new ‘Companions’ were admitted.
Participants went on
their way, promising to spread the word
to ‘server’ colleagues and nearby churches, with news of the Chapter’s
meeting to be held on Saturday 17 November 2012,
again at St
Pimlico, when the subject will be ‘Serving
through the Seasons’, an illustrated overview of the Church’s
year. All who
serve at the altar are welcome and for further details of the Company
Servers London Chapter 2012/3 programme see ‘Local Chapters’ or contact
Chapter Secretary, Cathie James - london@companyofservers.org
26th May 2012 - Exeter AGM, St Mary,
The Exteter AGM was held following Mass
at Ottery St Mary
where Revd Jane Ollier presided and preached.
71 people attended with 7 new admissions. A collection was
taken which has been given to the Exeter Chapter of SCP for their
Ordinands Fund in thanks for the support that we have from its members.
The team from Ottery organised it well with Bells being rung, a choir
and anthem, bells and smells, an excellent tea on a beautiful sunshine
filled afternoon in this delightful Devon location
Robert Knowling, Secretary

14th May 2012 - St Andrew’s,
Jarrom Street, Leicester
On Monday 14th May the Leicester Chapter of the
Company of Servers
attended and provided servers for the 150th Anniversary celebrations at
St Andrew’s Jarrom Street, including a procession through the Streets
with the Statue of Our Lady of Walsingham carried on the Servers
shoulders, accompanied by a full retinue of Servers, Clergy, the Bishop
of Leicester, a brass band and the whole congregation. It was wonderful
to see the Company of Servers, Leicester Chapter, processing together
with members of the Guild of servants of the Sanctuary from Coventry
Diocese. Quite a sight to behold as we passed the University and Royal
Infirmary! This was followed by a Eucharist back in the church and an
excellent party complete with buffet and Birthday Cake. Thanks go to
all those who served for what proved to be a truly wonderful evening.
Clive Watts, Chairman
18th February 2012 - The Royal
Marines' Commando Training Centre
Chapter Event
We had a very good meeting on the 18th February at
Commando Training Centre Royal Marines (Lympstone).
We (46 of us) started despite the rain with a walk to the RM War
memorial overlooking the River Exe where the Chaplain, Revd Stuart
gave us some explanation as to its symbolism. We continued across the
parade ground and then to the area of the rigorous assault course that
forms part of the 32 week training programme for recruits. From there
we moved to the Chapel of St Alban where the Mass took place using for
the first time our new Exeter Chapter Orders of Service books . The
Mass was celebrated by the Chaplain with the ‘admission’ of four new
Companions taking place by our Chaplain. The address given by Stuart
was based on four days from his diary that he kept whilst on a tour of
duty in Afghanistan. We were warned that it would be emotional and it
was so in a very factual way. The days featured were Christmas Eve and
Christmas day in 2007 in the Helmand Province when he met but overcame
resistance to holding services for the men from a Major and then on to
two days in March of 2008 when he lost two of his men just ten days
before the end of their deployment and return home – all based on the
theme of ‘serving’ in different ways. The beauty was that it was
contemplative, straightforward and unfussy with only the use of a green
stole over normal combat uniform. After the Mass there were
refreshments in the Officers Mess.
Robert Knowling, Chapter Secretary
4th February 2012 - Leicester
Inaugural Eucharist and Meeting
On Saturday 4 February the Leicester Diocese
Chapter of the Company of Servers held their Foundation meeting, with
over twenty servers from across the diocese joining the Company of
Servers. The day started with a splendid Eucharist, presided by Bishop
Christopher, Assistant Bishop of Leicester, with Revd Lisa
Temperley-Barnes SCP as Deacon, this was followed by a short meeting
where Rhona McEune, Secretary General of the Company of Servers,
explained the objectives and structure of the Company; where the
Company of Servers seeks to encourage, support and value lay ministry
in the Anglican Communion and to help servers develop not only
practical but spiritual skills as well as offering friendship, guidance
and learning opportunities. Companions are members of the Company in
the area, (usually the diocese), where they serve. These are known as
‘Chapters’, and each has its own identity and role within the whole
Company. Throughout the year, individual Chapters organise their own
training days, worship, meetings and activities.
A Chapter committee
was formed, with Clive Watts as Chairperson, Canon Johannes Arens SCP,
Chaplain, Paul Griffiths, Treasurer, Leslie Mitchelmore, Secretary, Sue
Seaton and Angela Sansome, Committee Members.
The day finished with a shared meal at local restaurant, Prezzo, and
despite the arrival of snow, and various protest rallies in the city
centre, the day was a great success.
committee will be meeting shortly to plan the next Leicester Chapter
event, if you would like more information please e-mail
or telephone 07905 230857.
30th October 2011
CoS Chaplain General to be the new Dean of Southwark
The Bishop of Southwark, the Rt Revd Christopher
Chessun has appointed the Revd Canon Andrew Nunn, Sub-Dean and
Precentor of Southwark Cathedral as the tenth Dean of Southwark. He
succeeds The Very Revd Colin Slee who died in office in November
2010. Canon Nunn has been Acting Dean of Southwark since that date.
Andrew Nunn (54) was born in Leicester and was
ordained deacon in Ripon Cathedral in 1983. He served his curacy at St
James Manton, in the Diocese of Ripon and was priested in 1984.
Following this he became Curate-in Charge of St Hilda, Richmond Hill,
Ripon. Whilst there he also served as Chaplain to Agnes Stewart CE High
School, Leeds. He became Vicar of Richmond Hill, Ripon in 1991
continuing as Chaplain to Agnes Stewart School.
He was appointed Chaplain to the Bishop of
Southwark in 1995 and became Sub-Dean of Southwark Cathedral in 1999.
Andrew Nunn is Warden of Readers in Southwark Diocese, teaches on
various courses and is actively involved in the life of schools local
to Southwark Cathedral, being a Foundation Governor of St Saviour's
& St Olave's Girls School. In addition, he is a member of the
Church of England's General Synod and Chaplain to the Synod, is a
member of the Liturgical Commission and is presently Rector General of
the Society of Catholic Priests and Chaplain General of the Company of
Commenting on the appointment the Bishop of
Southwark said, 'I am delighted to appoint Canon Andrew Nunn as the
next Dean of Southwark. He is a gifted and wise pastor who has led the
Cathedral during a very challenging year with grace and compassion. He
has a strong vision for the future of the Cathedral and its engagement
with the parish within which it stands and in developing its role as
Mother Church in the wider Diocese. He knows the Diocese well having
served within it for over 15 years. I look forward to welcoming him to
his new role and to working with him as he becomes part of the Bishop's
Staff team'.
Andrew Nunn says, 'I am humbled and excited by the
challenge of being Dean of this vibrant and busy place, where it has
been a privilege to serve. I look forward to working with my colleagues
as we seek to draw closer to the other parishes in the Diocese and to
help to lead the Diocese in its mission and ministry. Southwark
Cathedral is proud of its tradition of welcome for all and I look
forward to helping to ensure that it stands as a beacon of love and
hope for people in the parish and the Diocese'.
Outside of church, Andrew enjoys reading, the
theatre, art galleries and spending time with friends over a good meal
and a glass of wine!
He will be installed as Dean of Southwark on
Saturday 21 January 2012.
17th September
Southwark Chapter's First AGM
On 17th September over 70 companions gathered at
Croydon Minster to celebrate the Company's first anniversary in the
Diocese of Southwark. We were delighted to welcome the Bishop of
Southwark, The Rt Revd Christopher Chessun, who preached and
celebrated. A highlight of the day was the admission of 19 new
companions, 17 of which came from one church, St John's Angell Town.
Speaking later at the Company AGM the chaplain, Fr
Geoffrey Thompson SCP,
urged companions not to lose energy in the coming year but to celebrate
the vocation of serving at the altar with confidence and conviction and
so attract more to join and benefit from the Company.
25th June 2011
Norwich Chapter's Outing
Company of Servers Norwich
Chapter enjoyed an informal day in June visiting one of North Norfolk’s
favourite tourist attractions. Our visit was to the Stiffkey and Bale
where we were welcomed at All Saints, Morston by the Churchwarden Mrs
Athill. The Company
of Servers, when
visiting a parish, use the customary forms of service therefore we
celebrated a
Book Of Common Prayer Eucharist. The service was presided
over by Canon Peter
Hartley, with our Chaplain Revd Elsie Hutcheon sharing words of wisdom
on the
ministry of serving and the importance of us having time together to
share our
experiences. This quiet Eucharist in a beautiful setting reminded us
that our
ministry as servers enhances worship, adding increased dignity and
holiness, contributing
to the peaceful atmosphere.
of Servers members
attended from St Barnabas, Norwich, Wymondham Abbey, Fakenham and the
Wensum Benefice. The
group photograph front row left to right: Linda, Ria, Revd Elsie (St
Alison (Fakenham), back row Hilary and Richard (Wymondham) and Rhona
Wensum Benefice). Missing from the photograph is Jasmin from Wymondham.
day, whilst dull was not wet
or windy and the boat ride was very pleasant as it left the mooring to
take us
out into the estuary to experience the terns and the seals. It reminded
me of a
children’s rhyme about animals watching people because the seals were
lying on
the sand banks waiting for the tide to turn and swimming about in the
oblivious of the boats chugging past them. The crew gave a lively
commentary on the
habits, species and a brief history
of the buildings we saw on the long sand bank explaining that it had
been a
lifeboat station and one launch took four/five hours to get out to the
vessel as the lifeboat had to be rowed by the lifeboatmen.
to leave the boat and
spend time further exploring the wildlife, watching the terns diving
for fish
to feed their young fledglings was given. Some people took advantage of
this and went
off exploring further.
4th May 2011
Exeter Chapter's First AGM
Exeter Chapter held their first AGM on Saturday
14th May 2011 at The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Lympstone nr
Exmouth. There was a good attendance (including non-member
parishioners) - and three new Companions were admitted bringing our
membership including ‘Associates’ to 37. After the business of the AGM
our Chaplain, Preb Alan White SCP, Presided and Preached at
the Mass. Very acceptable country home-made refreshments followed that
were provided by the ladies of the church. Enthusiasm certainly exists
in our Chapter and, in fact, we have offers of the next four venues
including a tour of, and Mass within, the RM Commando Training Centre
Chapel and they are spread fairly throughout the diocesan area giving
access to everyone.
We continue to be supported positively by the Exeter Chapter of SCP
whose Secretary attended; also I was invited to attend their AGM during
March 2011 to promote ‘The Company’, which I did. General consensus of
opinion in our Chapter is that it is better to grow slowly and maintain
positive interest than to ‘explode’ with new members who have not given
full consideration to the commitment needed.
15th January 2011
London Inaugural Eucharist and Meeting
The inaugural meeting of the London Chapter
took place on
Saturday 15 January 2011 at St Matthew's Church, Westminster. The
meeting began with a Eucharist at 11am followed by lunch and the
inaugural meeting. Canon Andrew Nunn SCP presided and
preached. The London Chapter are very
grateful to Fr Philip Chester and all at St Matthew's Church for
allowing us
to use this venue for the meeting. Dates of future meetings will be
published in due course.
23rd October 2010
Salisbury Inaugural Eucharist and Meeting
The inaugural meeting of the Salisbury Chapter
took place on
Saturday 3 October 2010 at St Thomas’s Church, Salisbury. It was very
well attended and servers from many parts of the diocese took part. The
meeting began with a Eucharist at 12 noon followed by a meeting in the
church's cafe. Reverend Patrick McEune presided over the service and
Reverend David Linaker preached. The Salisbury Chapter are very
grateful to David Linaker and all at St Thomas’ Church for allowing us
to use this venue for the meeting. Dates of future meetings will be
published in due course.
Further information is available from Jason
4th September 2010
Southwark Inaugural Eucharist and Meeting
inaugural meeting of the Southwark Chapter took place on Saturday
4 September 2010
at Southwark Cathedral. It was attended by over 40 people and took the
form of a Eucharist at 11am followed by a Presentation
& Meeting. The President was the Rector General of SCP - Canon
Andrew Nunn, Sub Dean of Southwark and the preacher was the
Chaplain-Designate for the Southwark Chapter - Fr Geoffrey Thompson
SCP. You can read his homily here.
31st August
CoS Visitor to be the new Bishop of Ely
The new Bishop of Ely will be the Rt Revd Stephen
Conway SCP, currently the Suffragan Bishop of Ramsbury in the Diocese
of Salisbury where he has been serving since his consecration in June
2006, and Visitor to the Company of Servers.
The Bishop of Huntingdon,
Dr David Thomson, made the announcement this morning and introduced
Bishop Stephen to the Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Hugh Duberly,
and other civic dignitaries, the Dean and Chapter of Ely Cathedral and
other senior clergy, and members of the Diocesan Office staff.
Stephen (52) will become the 69th Bishop of Ely. He will be officially
installed and take up office early next year on a date yet to be
decided. He succeeds Bishop Anthony Russell, who retired in February
"I am thrilled at the prospect of serving as
Bishop of Ely,” said
Bishop Stephen. “It is a joyful prospect to serve among all God's
people in the region, to discover together what God is doing and to
join in."
“I am delighted Bishop Stephen is to be our new
diocesan,” said Bishop
David Thomson. “We were both Archdeacons in the Northern Province a few
years ago and it will be very good to be able to work more closely with
him now in the Diocese of Ely.”
January 2010
St Albans Chapter Launched
Servers in
Anglican churches across the St Albans Diocese have come together to
form a new fellowship group.
The St Albans Diocese Chapter of the Company of
Servers was established
at an inaugural meeting at St Saviour’s Church in St Albans.
It is the latest chapter of the national Company
of Servers to be
formed, and follows on from the setting up of chapters in Norfolk and
Ripon & Leeds.
Newly elected chairman of the St Albans Chapter,
David Vyvyan said “It
is an association for people who serve in the Church of England, to
offer support and fellowship.
“We will meet together at least four times a year
for a collective act
of worship and social activities.”
While the weather meant numbers were lower than
expected, the chapter
has already signed up servers from across the diocese.
Mr Vyvyan added: “There were people there from
churches right across
the diocese, and the chapter has been founded with 18 members.
“Servers of all ages and backgrounds are welcome
to join.”
Fr Peter Wadsworth SCP, Vicar of St Saviour’s
Church, has been
appointed chaplain to the chapter.
The St Albans Chapter has been selected to host
the first national
Company of Servers Festival and Annual General meeting, to be held on
April 24 2010.
The annual Company Festival focuses on fellowship,
worship and
learning, both from each other and in a variety of interactive
workshops, activities, talks and reflections.
To find out more about the St Albans Diocese
Chapter of the Company of
Servers, the chairman can be contacted at mdvyvyan@ntlworld.com.
November 2009
Norwich Sees a First!
launches the first Diocesan Chapter of the Company of Servers in the
country. The Dean of Norwich, The Very Reverend Graham
Smith, presided at a Eucharist in the cathedral for servers, lay
assistants and clergy in the Norwich
deaneries. The service was attended by about 30 people
including servers from the cathedral and the city of Norwich. The
sermon focused on being servants of Christ and was a timely reminder of
our ministry as servers.
At a meeting held after the service the Chapter
committee was set up: Chair
Rhona McEune
Chris Sanham
Colin Bodkin and Jack Harding
If anyone would like more details contact:
the secretary at seccomofservers@yahoo.co.uk
November 2009
Ripon & Leeds Chapter inaugurated!
Saturday 14th November 2009 the Ripon & Leeds chapter of the
Company of Servers was inaugurated at Ripon Cathedral.
The morning began at 10am with a Sung Eucharist,
Bishop James
presiding, and about 50 people attending. This was followed, after a
very welcome cup of tea, by the inaugural meeting with the election of
a committee and appointment of Mother Frances Wilson SCP as chaplain.
We then split into two groups, Fr Johannes Arens
SCP facilitating a
discussion with the adults and Mother Frances leading a workshop for
the young people. Out of these sessions it was clear that servers would
like information about their roles; to learn and share good practice;
to meet together both at deanery and diocesan level and to ensure that
young servers felt valued and included.
We finished the day with lunch, over which
everyone had a chance to get
to know someone new, always a privilege.
This is an exciting beginning and the options and
available to develop the Chapter of Ripon & Leeds are huge.
If you’d like anymore
information about these events, or wish to join the Ripon &
Chapter here are our
contact details.